Galaxy, Soler system, Sun's diameter


When we think about the creation of our world and the creation of the universe, then we go into our deepest depths that this universe is this solar system and how it became our world, so let us tell you how this situation started and, How did it happen.

The circle in which we live is a planet that is named after the Earth and its process is how we became aware of the Earth before we move towards space in which the universe is the solar system and how our planets become many planets.

Big - Beng theory

big bang के लिए इमेज परिणामLet me tell you about the process of information of galaxy before you need to know that there was nothing in the first space many billions of years ago, there were just small particles.

Situated at the same place as the same small spherical atom, whose volume was high and micro and temperature and density were infinite, due to which it

got heated and collided in between each other, causing an explosion called big - beng cosmic explosion.

The event of this great explosion was given the biggest explosion by Ab george Lamantier in the form of big - bang theory that expanded the universe and created the universe.

Many theories of the origin of the universe emerged like -

  • Big Bang Theory, now delivered by Ab george lemantier
  • Second pulsating universe theory Given by Doctor Alan Sandejaor
  • the last inflationary theory given by Alan Guth.

But of these, the Big Bang Theory is given the most importance.

Scientists believe that the Big Bang incident occurred 13.7 billion years ago, about 10.5 billion years after the Big Bang event, that is, the solar system evolved 4.5 billion years ago.

Universe forms ranging from small molecules to giant galaxies are called.

The diameter of the universe is 10 power 8 light years.

Our Earth has its own galaxy called Milky Way Milky Way.

The Mandakini closest to our galaxy is named Devayani (Adromeda).

Andromeda GalaxyNow we will know the solar system,The solar system is a group of different planets orbiting the Sun, comets, meteors and other celestial bodies.

Sun is the source of all the energy of the solar system.

Plenemus is a group of identical twin bodies out of the solar system.

                  About Sun

The Sun is the head of the Solar System.

It is located about 30000 light years away in the center of our Mandakini Doodh Mekla.

The sun rotates from east to west on its part.The central part of the Sun is a core with a temperature of 15,000,000 and the external temperature of the Sun is 6000 Celsius.

सोलर सिस्टम फोटो के लिए इमेज परिणामThe Sun is a uniform sphere in which hydrogen is 71% percent Hillium 26.5% percent and other elements are 2.5% percent.

The time of the sun giving energy in the future is 10 power 11 years.

It takes 8 minutes 16 points 6 seconds for sunlight to reach Earth.

The diameter of the Sun is 1392000 kilometers, about 110 times the diameter of the Earth.

  • The Sun is 1300000 times bigger than our Earth.
  • Earth gets 2 billionth part of Sun's heat.
  • The sun is 5 billion years old.

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